The morality of flying

Caveat: We’re one bottle of wine into a two-bottle evening. I was chatting to a really wonderful friend-of-a-friend tonight. She runs a really cool-sounding consultancy that does corporate psychology mixed with reducing a company’s environmental footprint. Searching for the ultimate win-win of happy people, happy planet I guess. I mentioned my upcoming trip to theContinue reading “The morality of flying”

Apache Wicket on Google App Engine for Java

Holy smokes, that was easy. I’ve got a basic Wicket app running on Google App Engine in under 2 minutes. 3 small traps for the unwary. First of all, you need to enable sessions in your appengine config file. <sessions-enabled>true</sessions-enabled> <sessions-enabled>true</sessions-enabled> Secondly, add the following line into your WebApplication’s init() method: @Override protected void init()Continue reading “Apache Wicket on Google App Engine for Java”

Building Google App Engine Java projects with Maven2

Ok, so I had a whole bunch of work to do today and I’ve just thrown it out the window: Google has unleashed Java support for Google App Engine. This is huge news. The implementation is solid (it does its best, within the restrictions of Google’s architecture, to support standards and avoid architectural lock-in). Let’sContinue reading “Building Google App Engine Java projects with Maven2”