Apache Wicket on Google App Engine for Java

Holy smokes, that was easy. I’ve got a basic Wicket app running on Google App Engine in under 2 minutes. 3 small traps for the unwary. First of all, you need to enable sessions in your appengine config file. <sessions-enabled>true</sessions-enabled> <sessions-enabled>true</sessions-enabled> Secondly, add the following line into your WebApplication’s init() method: @Override protected void init()Continue reading “Apache Wicket on Google App Engine for Java”

Sending HTML Email with Wicket part II: Converting links

In my previous post, I showed how you can use Wicket‘s HTML rendering engine to render HTML emails by faking a request/response cycle. In this post, I’ll show you how to use an IVisitor to change image and anchor URLs to be absolute instead of relative. This is absolutely essential in order to make yourContinue reading “Sending HTML Email with Wicket part II: Converting links”

Render a Wicket page to a string for HTML email

Something that’s very desirable to do in Apache Wicket is create HTML emails using Wicket’s brilliant component-oriented markup. I’ve been working on this problem on and off for ages — it’s tricky because of teh way that markup rendering is so deeply tied to the requestcycle, which in turn is deeply dependent on the httpservletrequestContinue reading “Render a Wicket page to a string for HTML email”

Jackrabbit, Wicket, Tomcat, Maven2… hell.

What follows is lessons learned migrating to the potentially magnificent Maven2 for dependency management. Put <scope>provided</scope> on Tomcat shared resources in your pom.xml If you deploy jars as a shared resource on Tomcat (i.e. put the jars in common/lib) then be sure to add the <scope>provided</scope> to those dependencies in your project’s pom.xml. Otherwise, you’llContinue reading “Jackrabbit, Wicket, Tomcat, Maven2… hell.”